Part of the Oxford Instruments Group

NIR SWIR Cameras

Andor’s C-RED camera series features a range of InGaAs based cameras optimised for challenging quantitative scientific measurements within the NIR II/SWIR imaging spectrum. Exceptional sensitivity is matched to high speeds and wide dynamic range over a wide field of view. Superb application flexibility built in to capture both fast and slow processes up to several minutes exposure alike.

  • C-RED 2 - high speed low noise NIR II/SWIR camera able to run at 600 fps with a very low noise and low dark current
  • C-RED 2 Lite - compact, temp stabilized format NIR II/SWIR camera
  • C-RED 2 ER - extended range NIR II/SWIR cameras with sensitivity up to 1.9 µm and 2.2 µm
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InGaAs for Life Science Applications

Developmental Biology

Small animal studies are vital for studying the developing organism as well as the progression of tumors and other disease states. Imaging using NIR II window enables tissues and organs within these thicker specimens to be imaged without the scattering and absorption encountered using the Vis/UV part of the spectrum.

InGaAs based detectors provide high sensitivity within the NIR II window that is not possible with typical sCMOS and CCD based detectors.

The C-RED series are optimised for imaging dynamic processes within thick specimens such as blood flow, as well as the slower processes such as development of organs or the microstructure within a growing tumor.

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c.elegans and drosophila are valuable models for many neurophysiology studies. However, some questions can only be answered by using larger and more complex models. Conventional UV/Vis range-based imaging is often compromised due to scattering and absorption. By shifting to labels and wavelengths within the NIR II window it solves the issue, but typical detectors do not have much, if any response in this part of the spectrum. Alternate imaging sensor technology such as InGaAs is therefore required.

With the latest generation InGaAs detectors, C-RED cameras provide high sensitivity across the NIR II window, matched to high-speed capabilities over wide fields of view. C-RED cameras are ideal for many neuroimaging applications- capture the dynamics within neural networks – or observe the intricacies of the nervous system as it develops within a model organism.


NIR II based imaging permits deeper penetration depths, higher signal-to-background and better spatiotemporal resolution making it of interest to many researchers that are seeking to study thicker tissues, organs and whole animal models.

New NIR II labels are required with improved binding specificity, brightness and reduced biotoxicity. Another emerging area of interest is the development of single-molecule photosensitizers within the NIR II window that would allow for precise imaged guided destruction of tumours. These and other areas of study require understanding at the small or single molecule scale.

The C-RED camera series are designed for such challenging and quantitative measurements. High sensitivity across the NIR II region is combined with low noise, high-speed and high dynamic range.

InGaAs Camera Solutions for Life Science

The C-RED Camera Series offers a number of InGaAs based imaging solutions for demanding scientific research. Image thicker and more biologically relevant, tissues, organs and even small animal models by exploiting the NIR II/SWIR spectrum.



  • Revolutionary high speed low noise NIR II/SWIR camera
  • Very low noise under 30 electrons
  • Ultra low dark under 600 e/p/s.
  • High speeds up to 600fps
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  • Break through extended range InGaAs
  • C-RED 2 ER 1.9: 1.1 to 1.9 µm
  • C-RED 2 ER 2.2: 1.2 to 2.2 µm
  • High speeds up to 600fps
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C-RED 2 Lite

C-RED 2 Lite

  • Compact NIR II/SWIR camera for space restricted applications
  • Temp stabilised
  • Low noise for high sensitivity
  • High speeds up to 600fps
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Technical Features

Dark Optimization

Longer exposures are needed to capture the weak signals involved in bioluminescence and luciferase-based gene reporter studies than for fluorescence-based imaging. Under these conditions, dark current (thermal noise) is the predominant noise source, rather than read noise that sets the ultimate detection limit of the sensor.

With the C-RED 2, proprietary dark optimization technologies are combined with deep cooling enabling thermal noise to be minimised according to the exposure duration, and thus the highest signal to noise can be obtained across a range of experimental conditions.

This makes the C-RED 2 and C-RED 2 ER cameras a superior choice over other InGaAs cameras, and viable alternatives to deep-cooled CCD, as well as sCMOS, when exposures are measured in 10s of seconds and up to several minutes, and not milliseconds.
*Dark optimization not present on C-RED 2 ER.

Flexible Cooling

Select between thermoelectric air and water cooling, or compact temperature stabilised formats. The design of the C-RED series enables not only precise stabilization of the sensor temperature, but flexibility of cooling performance, and camera size, to meet your application needs.

  • C-RED 2 can be cooled to -15°C with air cooling for when shorter exposures are required, and the thermal noise contribution is minimal
  • By using liquid cooling at -40°C, the very lowest thermal noise can be achieved for long exposure applications that are limited by dark current
  • For less critical applications that do not require the lowest thermal noise, or when space is restricted, consider the C-RED 2 Lite, which offers the high sensitivity InGaAs NIR II sensitive detector in a more compact, temperature stabilised format. C-RED 2 Lite uses an optimized algorithm for precise sensor temperature stabilization, despite unavoidable environmental fluctuations, over extended periods of time

Image: The inherent thermal noise of the sensor at ambient temperature is a problem at longer exposures, but it can be reduced by cooling. By efficiently cooling the sensor as shown here, we can improve the detection capabilities of the sensor.

16-bit High Dynamic Range

An issue for many cameras is that while a 16-bit, or wide dynamic range is claimed, it may not be possible in practice due to how the camera has been configured. A restricted dynamic range means that the image can be saturated and detail low for high signal areas, or image information lost at the low level. For some applications that have a high intrascene dynamic range e.g. neurons, or when the signal builds rapidly over time, valuable information about the underlying biology is lost. It can be very difficult and sometimes impossible to work within the restricted range available on the camera.

The C-RED series utilise a unique High Dynamic Range mode that is designed especially for uncompromised imaging in these experiments*. In this mode the signal from the high and low capacities are linearly combined using a patented sensor readout method. This allows the camera to reach a dynamic range of 93.6 dB with a true 16 bits linear response. What you get is the full image detail in low and high signal areas, without image saturation, all while running at up to a full frame speed of 600 fps. HDR is not available on C-RED 2 ER.

High-Speed NIR II/SWIR Imaging

Developed for demanding high speed applications, Andor’s C-RED NIR II/SWIR camera series deliver the ultimate in high-speed, high-sensitivity solutions, for truly market-leading performance.

  • 600 FPS at full frame: The C-RED series feature the latest InGaAs imaging sensors that can image up to 600 fps in full frame, and faster when using regions of interest providing amazing temporal resolution.
  • High Sensitivity: The combination of High QE throughput the NIR II range and low noise of C-RED provide sensitivity at speed – which is vital for short ultra short exposures that are often inherently light starved in in vivo models.
  • True Global Shutter: True global shutter is aided by integration pulses shorter than 5 μs for when time precision across the full field of view is required. This avoids temporal distortion that may be found in high-speed rolling shutter designs.

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