Part of the Oxford Instruments Group

Detection Solutions For Fusion Science 

Fusion plasma characterisation is essential for the development of nuclear fusion, an almost unlimited, clean and renewable energy source that could help the world achieve net-zero goals. However, nuclear fusion requires high-sensitivity and high-speed detection solutions that can operate in challenging environments, such as those found in Z-pinch Fusion, Inertial Confinement Fusion (ICF), Stellarator and Tokomak reactors. Andor’s portfolio of intensified gated cameras, direct detection X-ray cameras, high speed sCMOS cameras and spectrographs is designed to meet these needs and provide a wide range of fusion diagnostics solutions.

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Fusion Science Detection Solutions

Whether you need imaging or spectroscopy, Andor has the right solution for you. Andor’s cameras and spectrographs are highly sensitive and versatile, with a variety of opto-mechanical interfaces, triggering and acquisition setup options to suit your needs. Andor’s cameras offer tailored solutions from the Near-Infrared to hard X-rays.


  • 49 frames/sec (5.5 MP sensor) Up to 4 kHz with ROI
  • <2 ns time resolution
  • High dynamic range
  • Sensitivity down to single photon
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Direct & Indirect X-ray Detection

  • Large area sCMOS and CCD cameras
  • Lens and fibre coupled scintillator options
  • Direct and indirect detection
  • High dynamic range & sensitivity
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Kymera Spectrographs, Newton and iXon Cameras

  • High sensitivity optical spectrographs
  • Up to Multi-kHz spectral rates
  • High throughput and high spectral resolution
  • Highly modular spectrographs
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Fusion Science Applications and Techniques

Plasma Diagnostics

Plasmas are ionised gases that can be created naturally or artificially by an injection of energy. This can be achieved through different methods such as laser ablation or coupling of capacitive / inductive power source to ionised gas. Plasmas have many applications in fields such as fusion, thin films deposition, micro-electronics, material (chemical) characterisation, display systems, surface treatment, fundamental physics, environmental & health.

Gated detectors, such as the iStar sCMOS and iStar CCD can be used to determine optical parameters from which fundamental plasma properties can be derived. Accurate nanosecond-scale gating of image intensifier-based detectors can be used to sample plasma dynamics, or to isolate the useful plasma information generated by pulsed sources such as lasers. Techniques for plasma analysis include Optical Emission Spectroscopy (OES) and Thomson scattering. From this analysis plasma parameter such as temperature and electron density can be measured optically.

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X-Ray Imaging

Plasmas emit a broad spectrum of photon energies including in the soft and hard X-ray range. X-ray images can be acquired either through direct absorption of X-rays onto a 2D silicon-based camera sensors, for energies <20 keV, or using scintillators lens or fibre coupled to a CCD or sCMOS detector.

Our range of X-rays cameras can be used to identify the fine structure of chemical species as well as understanding material composition which is not possible in the visible range.

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Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) provides information on the elemental/chemical composition of samples, through the analysis of the plasma emission resulting from the micro-ablation of the target by a pulsed laser. It can be used to grade metals, measure concentration or ratios of elements in different engineered materials, as well as identify impurities or trapped species in material matrix e.g. adsorbed species in fusion reactors/tokamaks plasma-facing components.

Echelle spectrographs combined with fast gated ICCDs are particularly well suited to LIBS analysis, as they provide simultaneously high spectral resolution and very large spectral bandpass up to hundreds of nanometres.

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This non-invasive laser scattering-based spectroscopy technique provides molecular information (composition, structure) about the sample. It can be used to assess the effect of material matrix disruption due to a variety of external factors e.g. temperature changes/shock, mechanical stress, or to identify and understand the impact of impurities, adsorbed molecules, or defects on the material mechanical characteristics. Coherent anti-Stokes Raman Spectroscopy (CARS) can be used to non-invasively measure the temperature of plasmas.

For organic materials, Raman signal competes with fluorescence from the sample - a near-infrared laser or UV laser (with wavelength outside the absorption range of the molecule) can be used to greatly minimise or supress unwanted fluorescence contribution.

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Author Title Year
T Minniti et al Strain mapping and defects inspection of divertor targets by Bragg edge neutron imaging and neutron tomography 2025
M Shabbir et al Helium retention feature in the boron deposited layer on tungsten substrate by laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy and machine learning approach 2024
Z Mei et al Performance studies of an ultrafast gamma Cherenkov imaging Screen based on Silica fibers array 2024
C Goyon et al Plasma pressure profiles in a sheared-flow-stabilized Z-pinch 2024
C Swee et al Impurity transport study based on measurement of visible wavelength high-n charge exchange transitions at W7-X 2024
S Atikukke Resonant Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy for quantitative elemental depth profile analysis of WTa coating 2024
C Zhang et al Development of a monochromatic crystal backlight imager for the recent double-cone ignition experiments 2024
S Shetty et al Depth profile CF LIBS analysis of the wall deposited layer in the COMPASS tokamak after LiSn testing campaign 2023
I Jogi et al Ex Situ LIBS Analysis of WEST Divertor Wall Tiles after C3 Campaign 2023
S Malko et al Proton stopping measurements at low velocity in warm dense carbon 2022