Andor Launches New ZL41 Cell and Sona sCMOS Cameras
Andor Technology, an Oxford Instruments company and a world leader in scientific…
The iXon Ultra platform takes the popular back-illuminated 512 x 512 frame transfer sensor and overclocks readout to 17 MHz, pushing speed performance to an outstanding 56 fps (full frame), whilst maintaining single photon sensitivity and quantitative stability throughout.
Facilitated by a fundamental redesign, the iXon Ultra platform takes the popular back-illuminated 512 x 512 frame transfer sensor and overclocks readout to 17 MHz, pushing speed performance to an outstanding 56 fps (full frame), whilst maintaining quantitative stability throughout.
Ultimate Sensitivity is attained through deep thermoelectric cooling down to -100°C and industry-lowest clock induced charge noise. Additional unique features of the iXon Ultra 897 include USB 2.0 connectivity and direct raw data access for on the fly processing. EMCCD and conventional CCD readout modes provide heightened application flexibility, with a new ‘low and slow’ noise performance in CCD mode.
Overclocked to 17 MHz readout - Pushes frames to 56 fps (full frame); 595 fps with 128 x 128 cropped sensor mode.
Optically Centred Crop Mode - Continuous imaging with fastest possible frame rate from centrally positioned ROIs. Highly enabling for live cell super-resolution and much more (e.g. 569 fps with 128 x 128 ROI).
EX2 Technology - Extended QE response, beyond standard back-illuminated.
TE cooling to -100°C - Critical for elimination of darkcurrent detection limit.
RealGain™ - Absolute EMCCD gain selectable directly from a linear and quantitative scale.
Fringe Suppression Technology - Reduced etaloning in NIR
OptAcquire - Optimize the highly flexible iXon for different application requirements at the click of a button
Count Convert - Quantitatively capture and view data in electrons or incident photons. Applied either in real time or postprocessing, Count Convert does this important conversion for you.
EMCAL™ - Patented user-initiated self-recalibration of EM gain.
iCam - Exposure time fast switching provides market leading acquisition efficiency.
OPTMSK-L/OPTMSK-OC-L - Optomask accessory, used to mask unwanted sensor area during Crop Mode acquisition
XW-RECR - Re-circulator for enhanced cooling performance
ACC-XW-CHIL-160 - Oasis 160 Ultra compact chiller unit
OA-CF - C-mount to Nikon F-mount adapter
OA-COFM - C-mount to Olympus adapter
OA-CTOT - C-mount to T-mount adapter