Andor offers a broad range of optical cryostats providing cryogenic sample environments with a variety of design and performance characteristics. We can offer you a possibility to optimize the designed systems and instruments with the lowest cost of ownership, market leading vibration and stability options, user upgradeable windows and controller channels, and touch screen controllers with unique expansion capabilities
Separate solutions are available to be used either in microscopic or spectroscopic measurements, and Andor will work with you to integrate these into your instruments.
Request Pricing Ask a QuestionThe Optistat range of optical cryostats are optimized for spectroscopy applications in the <3k to 500k temperature range with Dry/Cryofree, Liquid Nitrogen (LN2), and Liquid Helium options. The sample can be in vacuum or in exchange gas. You will also benefit of a unique sample exchange mechanism.
The Optistat range offers some of the most efficient and cost-effective cryostats for Optical Spectroscopy ideal for use on optical table-based experiments or with a very broad range of 3rd party spectrometers.
Request Pricing SpecificationsThe Microstat range of compact optical cryostats are optimized for microscopic applications, where sample low vibration is critical for measurements and where short working distance lenses are employed.
Both Liquid Nitrogen (77k-500k) and Liquid Helium (3.2K-500K) temperature ranges are covered. Sample-in-vacuum and in-exchange gas configurations are available.
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