Part of the Oxford Instruments Group

Selecting an Andor Microscope by Application and Imaging Type

Here are two tables to help you select the confocal microscope that best suits your imaging needs

1- Microscope selection by application

2- Microscope selection by imaging technique

Please Note:

  • The tables suggest which applications are most appropriate to different products. However, everyone's experimental requirements do vary, so please talk to us about your specific requirements.
  • This applications table is not exhaustive, it aims to give an overview. Please remember that other applications not listed might also be suitable in Andor Confocal microscopes.

Microscope Selection by Application

Application Area Type of Experiment BC43 Dragonfly 200 Dragonfly 600
Cell Biology Intracellular Structure
Cell Cycle - Cell Division
Mitochondria Imaging (fixed)
Mitochondria Imaging (live)
Early Embryo Development
Microtubule Dynamics
Intracellular Trafficking
Expansion Microscopy
Cilia Imaging (> 50 fps)
Single Molecule Live Imaging (not SMLM) e.g. RNA
Chromatin Remodelling
Vesicle Trafficking
Live Membrane Fusion Events
Cell - Substrate Interaction
Actin Polymerisation Leading Edge of Cell Motility (TIRF)
Ultra-Structure of Centrioles (SMLM)
Nuclear Pore Complexes (SMLM)
Ultra-Structure of Membranes (SMLM)
Developmental Biology
Limb Formation
Tissue Sample Preparations
Paraffin Sections
Whole Organisms up to 500 µm Thick (depends on sample transparency)
Organoids up to 500 µm Thick (depends on sample transparency)
Whole Organisms 500+ µm Thick (depends on sample transparency)
Organoids 500+ µm Thick (depends on sample transparency)
Intracellular Trafficking
Gene Expression in Development (with spatial biology)
Blood Flow Studies
Pathogen-Host Interactions (fungus)
Pathogen-Host Interactions (bacteria)
Pathogen-Host Interactions (virus)
Cancer Biology Large Tissue Slices
Live Imaging Cell Movement & Division
Organoids up to 500 µm Thick (depends on sample transparency)
In-Vitro Cell Invasion
Organoids 500 µm + Thick (depends on sample transparency)
Gene Expression in Cancer Cells (with spatial biology)
Cell / Substrate Interaction and Adhesion
Address Effectiveness of Small Molecule Inhibitors in Cancer Treatment (with TIRF)
Actin Polymerisation Leading Edge of Cancer Cell Motility (TIRF)
Ultra-Structure of Centrioles (SMLM)
Ultra-Structure of Cancer Cell Receptors (SMLM)
Immunology & Diseases Fixed Tissues
Large Samples up to 500 µm Thick (depends on sample transparency)
High Speed Live Imaging up to 40 fps
Large samples 500+ µm Thick (depends on sample transparency)
Gene Expression in Disease Cells (with spatial biology)
High Speed Live Imaging > 40 fps
Blood Flow
Cell Surface Infection Dynamics - TIRF
Mechanisms of Viral Infection
Microbiology Intracellular Structure (Super-Resolution SRRF-Stream)
Intracellular Structure (SMLM) (Super - Resolution dSTORM)
Intracellular Structure (SMLM) (Super - Resolution DNA-PAINT)
Cell Surface Infection Dynamics - TIRF
Mechanisms of Viral Infection
Ultra-Structure of Bacteria Cell Wall (SMLM)
Ultra-Structure of Virus Capsid Complexes
Neurobiology Tissue Sectioning (live and fixed)
Whole Brain Imaging up to 500 µm Thick (depends on sample transparency)
Whole Brain Imaging 500+ µm Thick
Map Brain Gene Expression (spatial genomics)
Calcium Imaging (waves up to 40fps)
Calcium Imaging (puffs, sparks > 40fps)
Single Molecule Live Imaging (not SMLM)
Growth Cone
Receptor Localisation & Recycling
Live Vesicular Transport
Extra Cellular Vesicles Fusion
Visualise Receptors at the Cell Membrane
Live cell Imaging of Synaptic Vesicles
Live Cell Imaging of Neuronal Cell Membrane Fusion
Resolve Tethered Synaptic Vesicles (SMLM)
Resolve Synapses in 3D (30 nm axially)(SMLM)
Biophysics Protein-Protein Interactions
Protein Membrane Dynamics
Single Protein Transport
Endo and Exocytosis
Localization-Based Super Resolution
Expansion Microscopy 1,2
Multiplex Imaging - Spatially resolved transcriptomics 2,3
Multiplex imaging - Spatially resolved proteomics 2,3
Key: - Not Suitable
- Possible not recommended
- Partially Suitable
- Recommended


  • Depends on laser power - the ability to image through the depth of the sample.
  • Depends on throughput requirement. BC43 has just one camera and does not capture as fast as Dragonfly.
  • BC 43 is limited to 4 laser lines. Spatial transcriptomics typically requires 5 lines.

Microscope Selection by Imaging Technique

  Technique/Technology BC43 Dragonfly 200 Dragonfly 600
Imaging Modes 2D Imaging
3D Imaging
3D Tile Imaging
3D Stitching
Finite Burst
3D Finite Burst
Transmitted Light Microscopy Differential Phase Contrast (DPC)
Phase Contrast
Differential Interference Contrast (DIC)
Widefield Imaging Up to 4 Channels
More Than 4 Channels
Simultaneous Dual Camera Acquisition
Confocal Imaging Single Pinhole Size
Dual Pinhole Sizes
Simultaneous Dual Camera Acquisition
Up to 4 Channels
More Than 4 Channels
Confocal Imaging <500 µm* Thick
Confocal Imaging >500 µm* Thick O
Specialised Microscopy Applications Compatible with Photostimulation Devices
SMLM (Simgle Molecule Localisation Microscopy)
Detector Technology sCMOS
Other Specifications NIR up to 780nm excitation
Bench Top Instrument
Temperature Control
Time Lapse Imaging

Key: ✔ - Possible, O - Might be Possible, ✘ - Not Possible

* tested on cleared samples

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