Part of the Oxford Instruments Group

Flange To Beryllium Window Camera Upgrades

Enhance the capabilities of your open fronted high energy detection camera by adding a standalone camera filter holder!

SO-to-SY camera converters give you the flexibility to use your open fronted camera in pressurised environments for direct X-ray detection whilst keeping open the option to remove the converter and attach your camera to a vacuum chamber as required.

The filter holders SO-FILTER-HOLDER-xx have a built-in pumping channel to ensure pressure equilibrium on either side of the filter, hence minimizing the risk of mechanical stress and damage to the filter.

FLG-SO-SY-CONVERT-45 mounts onto the Newton and iKon-M ‘SO’ camera series. FLG-SO-SY-CONVERT-60 mounts onto the iKon-L ‘SO’ camera series. The vacuum sealing interface is a knife-edge.

The vacuum between the filter and the sensor is achieved by connecting a pump to the interface, which is fitted with a KF16 interface. 

Note that since this interface relies on an O-ring vacuum seal, pressure down to 10-6 mbar can be achieved. 

Continuous pumping is recommended to maintain the highest degree of vacuum, and also ensure access to the lowest camera cooling temperature. To contact an Andor sales representative to learn more and get further details please see here and to learn more about Andor flanges and interfaces please see here.