Part of the Oxford Instruments Group

The Formation Of Our Solar System With CHIMERA

Professor Gregg Hallinan (Caltech) discusses the development of the Caltech High-Speed Multi-Color Camera (CHIMERA) which has been used to analyse, for the first time ever, occultations occuring in the Kuiper Belt from a ground based telescope. He also explains some of the challenges faced around ground-based searches for occultations, which requires the monitoring of many stars in the ecliptic for 1000s of hours at a very high frame rate to get a single detection.

Dr Colin Coates provides an overview of Andor's high performance detectors for astronomy, including the iXon Ultra 888 EMCCD detector used in the CHIMERA project and the recently launched iKon-XL very large area CCD platform.

Date: September 2016

Category: Webinar

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