Part of the Oxford Instruments Group

Andor Tech Day – Texas Medical Center

Andor Tech Day, April 16th 2024, 10am-3pm
SureStay Plus By Best Western Houston Medical Center: 6700 Main St, Houston, TX 77030

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We welcome you to join our 2024 Andor Tech Day, during which we will highlight Andor’s Spinning Disk Confocal Microscopy Systems: Dragonfly and BC43, as well as our Image Analysis Software Imaris.

Learn how researchers in the Texas Medical Center use these tools to advance their research and get hands-on experience on the systems. Please bring your own imaging samples and data for the best experience.

Invited speakers from Rice University, MD Anderson, Baylor College of Medicine and UT Health will discuss how Andor’s unique and innovative tools have advanced their research.

BC43 is Andor’s award winning benchtop confocal platform – offering speed, sensitivity, and simplicity in a compact, approachable and affordable package that operates right from your laboratory bench.

Dragonfly is Andor's High Speed Confocal Microscope that delivers outstanding multi-dimensional images from subcellular (nm) to whole organism (cm), while significantly boosting productivity.

Imaris AI Microscopy Image Analysis software brings your image analysis workflow to the next level with its easy to apply machine learning segmentation techniques, its high-quality renderings and vast pool of relevant statistical outputs.


Time Session
10:00am-10:45am Tech Talk: "Faster, Gentler, Simpler: Next-Generation Microscopy Solutions from Andor Technology"
10:45am-11:30am Hands-On Demo: BC43
11:30am-12:00pm Tech Talk: "Imaris: AI Microscopy Image Analysis for everyone"
12:00pm-1:30pm Lunch with open BC43 and Imaris stations: Please bring your own data.
1:00pm-1:20pm Invited Speaker: Saurabh Srivastav from Rice University
1:20pm-1:40pm Invited Speaker: Evangelia Koutelou from the University of Texas – MD Anderson Cancer Center
1:40pm-2:00pm Invited Speaker: The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston
2:00pm-2:20pm Invited Speaker: Baylor College of Medicine
2:20pm-3:00pm Live Demo: Imaris
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