Gated detectors enable extremely high fast time-resolved analysis - down a billionth of a second accuracy. These are ultrafast transient phenomena such as laser-induced, RF or Inductively-coupled plasmas. Combining fast, high dynamic range sCMOS technology with fast gated nanosecond image intensifiers enables much faster experimental throughput and diagnostics than conventional CCD, interline or EMCCD-based gated cameras.
In this webinar, Product Specialist Thomas Woodward introduces the fundamentals of gated sCMOS detectors and how they can be used for fast time-resolved plasma imaging and spectroscopic applications.
Learning Objectives:
• Recap the basics principals of intensified sCMOS technology
• Understand the strengths and weaknesses of intensified sCMOS technology
• Understand how gated sCMOS technology can be utilised to image the dynamic generation of plasmas
• Understand how gated sCMOS technology can be used for plasma spectroscopy techniques
Date: July 2020
Author: Dr Thomas Woodward
Category: Webinar