Part of the Oxford Instruments Group

Dragonfly 600 Workshop - Biomedicum Imaging Core

Dragonfly 600 Workshop, 1-5 September 2023
Biomedicum Imaging Core, Helsinki Institute of Life Science

Advances in microscopy have made a dramatic impact on researcher’s ability to image deeper, faster and with more spatial resolution than ever before.

Andor's Dragonfly 600 confocal microscope delivers outstanding multi-dimensional images from subcellular (nm) to whole organism (cm), while significantly boosting productivity. Its unrivalled combination of speed and sensitivity allows researchers to discover unforeseen dynamic events and image live organisms for days.

During this workshop, we will demonstrate the combined following modalities of Dragonfly 600, such as Confocal, Widefield, TIRF (total internal reflection fluorescence), SMLM (single-molecule localization microscopy), SRRF (super-resolution radial fluctuations).

We will also illustrate how Imaris image analysis and visualisation software is seamlessly combined with the image acquisition and how intuitive the AI-powered tracing, segmentation, classification, spatial analysis and native distance measurements are.

We invite you to join us to learn how Dragonfly 600 can increase image quality and throughput for your research projects.

Please contact Mikhail Yuryev ( if you have any questions regarding this event.

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